This package includes 5-10 aerial photographs of a residential property. Photographs usually show the front , sides and rear of residence at varying elevations, as well as a straight-down view of the property.
Package price: $145
Like the basic package, 5-10 photographs of the property are taken at varying elevations. In addition to the photograph, a 30 second to 1 minute video is also taken, detailing property highlights, such as ponds, barns, fields, etc.
Package price: $175
Similar to the Basic Residential Package, the Basic Commcercial Real Estate Package will provide 5-10 photographs taken at varying elevations. Location in relation to major roadways and parking lots are highlighted in this package.
Package price: $200
Similar to the Enhanced Residentail Package, the Enhanced Commercial Real Estate Package comes with photographs as well as a 30 second to 1 minute video featuring property highlights. These may include fountains, loading docks, parking structures, etc.
Package price: $250
Great for business owners wanting to enhance their website or social media pages, a single photograph of the business will be taken at an optimum altitude and angle to show off the "curb appeal" of the business. Maybe you are a farm owner or private person looking to have a picture of your own property to hang on the wall. This package is very versatile.
Package price: $55
Each additional photograph: $25